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- From: alg@cs.cornell.edu (Anne Louise Gockel)
- Subject: Textile Related Books FAQ: Part 2 of 2
- Message-ID: <1992Dec14.124926.14368@cs.cornell.edu>
- Followup-To: rec.crafts.textiles
- Summary: Bibliography of books on sewing, fitting, pattern drafting and a few
- other (sewing) subjects. Emphasizes books currently in print or easily
- available. Includes strengths and weaknesses of various books.
- Keywords: FAQ, textiles, sewing, books, tailoring, fitting, pattern, drafting
- Sender: alg@cs.cornell.edu (Anne Louise Gockel)
- Supersedes: <1992Oct14.162005.4527@cs.cornell.edu>
- Reply-To: alg@cs.cornell.edu
- Organization: Cornell Univ. CS Dept, Ithaca NY 14853
- Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1992 12:49:26 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Sun, 14 Feb 1993 05:00:00 GMT
- Lines: 669
- Archive-name: crafts-textiles-books/part2
- Last-modified: 14 Dec 1992
- Part 2 of 2 of the Textile Books FAQ:
- Books on Fitting:
- IF: Introduction to fitting
- VF: Vogue Fitting
- FF: Fabulous Fit
- MYCF: Making Your Clothes Fit
- Books on Pattern Drafting:
- IPD: Brief intro to subject of pattern drafting
- PFD: Patternmaking for Fashion Design
- EK: Ernestine Kopp's series of books
- PPfD: Professional Patternmaking for Designers
- DD: Dress Design: Draping and Flat Pattern Making
- MPD: Modern Pattern Design
- AFD: Art of Fashion Draping
- DfFD: Draping for Fashion Design
- PD: Precision Draping
- PoFPD: Principles of Flat Pattern Design
- HtMSP: How to Make Sewing Patterns
- FoMFD: Fundamentals of Men's Fashion Design
- TS: Tailoring Suits: The Professional Way.
- S: Sleeves
- FDPS: Fashion Design for the Plus-Size
- GTfMD: Grading Techniques for Modern Design
- MNPD: Miscellaneous notes on Pattern Drafting
- Miscellaneous: (todo)
- DD: Decorative Dressmaking
- MYOJC: Make Your Own Japanese Clothes
- FYF: Flatter Your Figure
- GE: Great Expectations (maternity)
- ARtW: Altering Women's/Men's Ready to Wear
- FAQ: Where can I get an up to date copy of this FAQ?
- Books on Fitting:
- IF: Introduction to fitting [alg]
- Many standard sewing references include some sections on altering patterns for
- fitting. In particular, you may want to check out:
- RDCGtS: Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Sewing
- VSB: The Vogue Sewing Book
- SSSbS: Singer's Sewing Step by Step
- VBSbSGtST: The Vogue/Butterick Step By Step Guide To Sewing Techniques
- SB: Sandra Betzina's books
- NZ: Nancy Zieman's books and videos
- T: New books from Taunton Press
- Alterations come in two sorts:
- -small alterations that are generally made along seam lines or dart lines and
- can be made during the fitting stage. Ideally, if you can buy the right size
- pattern you should only need this sort of alteration. It helps if you have a
- multi size pattern and can put several patterns sizes together (i.e. bodice
- size XX, skirt size YY).
- -large alterations that involve redrafting parts of the pattern (typically
- slashing and spreading or overlapping).
- _The Reader's Digest Complete Book of Sewing_, _Vogue Book of Sewing_ and
- _Vogue Book of Fitting and Alteration_ discuss both methods. Both have
- slightly more emphasis on the first method; which is appropriate. Good books
- on pattern drafting discuss many of the techniques used in the second form of
- alterations. An understanding of drafting techniques will help during major
- pattern alterations.
- SRL,PF: _Singer Reference Library: The Perfect Fit_:
- [alg]: A good introduction to fitting with beautiful photos, but not quite as
- complete as several of the other books available. Still it covers most of the
- common alterations neccessary. The introductory chapters discuss garment ease,
- figure analysis and taking measurements. The section on adjustments shows pin
- fitting a tissue pattern (can you *really* do this? without a helper?) and
- fitting as you sew. Then there is a large fitting section that shows
- photographs of common fitting problems and minor and major adjustments for
- correcting them. _The Perfect Fit_ is the only fitting books I have seen that
- uses color photos instead of drawings and this can be extremely useful. _The
- Perfect Fit_ is also very well organized; if you read through it once it can
- be used regularly as a reference book.
- Additional comments from Marie-Christine Mahe [MAHE@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu]
- What really makes the Singer book unique is the use of photos. Each problem
- is presented in mild and severe form, so you can tell easily what the pattern
- companies consider as a real objective problem. There are so many people
- running around with distorted body images that it's very useful to be able to
- look at 2 pictures and see that you only have a mild case of square shoulders
- or big thighs or whatever, or a really serious case of skinny arms. Moreover,
- the adjustments also come in 2 versions: the easy one for the mild cases, and
- the slash-and-rip ones everyone else recommend, but only for the extreme
- cases. I haven't seen any other book that makes such a clear distinction
- between the possible adjustments and why you'd want to use one or the other.
- Of course, you can also slide and pivot, but that really falls into the more
- extreme category too. Most people really only need small adjustments, if any,
- and these are rarely explained so well.
- Additional comments [trytten@laurium.cps.msu.edu (Deborah Trytten)]:
- Go to the store and buy the Singer Reference Library Fitting Book. It's a
- gem. I found out things about my figure that I never knew before. I had
- always thought that my fitting problems came about because I am large busted.
- Come to find out, that's only half of the problem. The other half was that I
- have narrow shoulders. They have hundreds of pictures of fitting problems and
- the cause. I was paging through it when I saw this weird front armhole gap
- that shows up on all my clothing. Then I started measuring, and found out
- that my shoulders are very narrow--and I had never suspected it. Give it a
- try. It's as painless as fitting can be.
- VF: Vogue Fitting [alg]
- _Vogue Fitting_: If you just want to look at one book, this is probably the
- best one. It only covers fitting and is fairly complete in it's treatment of
- alteration techniques. It should be available in many stores for about $15
- (paperback). You'll certainly have no problem ordering it.
- Vogue fitting : the book of fitting techniques, adjustments, and alterations /
- [writer, Sandra Lenker ; illustrator, Phoebe Gaughan ; editor, Helen Moore].
- -- New York : Harper & Row, 1987, c1984. 192 p.
- FF: Fabulous Fit [alg]
- _Fabulous Fit_. Butterick Publishing Company. This book was printed in about
- 1977 and is now out of print. I like this book slightly better than _Vogue
- Fitting_, but both are good books. I believe Butterrick and Vogue are owned
- by the same parent company, so this book has also been called _The Vogue
- Sewing Book of Fitting, Adjustments and Alterations_.
- The Vogue sewing book of fitting, adjustments, and alterations.
- [The Vogue sewing book of fittings, adjustments, and alterations]
- Fabulous fit / [editor, Patricia Perry]. -- New York : Butterick Fashion
- Marketing Co., c1977.
- 190 p., [6] leaves of plates : ill. ; 26 cm.
- "Also published in hardcover as The Vogue sewing book of fittings,
- adjustments, and alterations ... (third edition, 1977)."
- Includes index.
- MYCF: Making Your Clothes Fit [alg]
- _Making Your Clothes Fit_ by Patricia Burkhart Smith. This book was also
- published in the 1970's and is out of print. I like this book alot. It
- consists of a page of pictures that show common fitting problems with pictures
- on the opposite page that shows the appropriate adjustment. This book
- concentrates on the smaller adjustments; I am not sure whether or not it shows
- the large adjustments.
- Books on Pattern Drafting:
- IPD: Brief intro to subject of pattern drafting [alg]
- Basically there are three methods that designers use. Most designers use a
- combination of several of the methods.
- Initial patterns are drafted from a series of instructions based on the
- measurements of an individual body. These patterns which are often called
- basic slopers. Typically this system is used to design slopers for basic
- pants, a basic bodice and a basic dress and the slopers are then modified with
- flat pattern methods to create new designs. All basic slopers fit the body
- snugly with minimum ease. Many pattern books from the 1800's discuss drafting
- complex dresses and suits using body measurements, but today this method is
- used mainly for slopers.
- Flat pattern methods take basic sloper patterns and alter them into more
- sophisticated patterns. This is probably the most widely used method. The
- basic principles are slashing and spreading. Some pattern makers use pivoting
- in addition to or instead of the spreading step. The books on flat pattern
- drafting show you how to cut lines on the original pattern and manipulate the
- pattern pieces to get a completely different pattern. One basic principle is
- how to move or eliminate darts in order to change the drape of the pattern and
- the design ease. Pivoting is particularly useful for moving darts from one
- part of a pattern to another.
- Some of the steps in flat pattern drafting can be similar to the modifications
- you might have to make when drastically adjusting the size of a pattern (e.g.
- changing it 4-8 sizes). For this sort of major modification you cannot adjust
- at the seam lines, you must slash and spread the pattern to re-proportion all
- parts of it. The new Sewing Basics section of Threads magazine has shown a
- number of slash and spread modifictions that you may need to solve some common
- fitting problems.
- The third method is draping. In draping a piece of muslin is pinned directly
- to a dress dummy (or even a 1/2 or 1/4 scale dress dummy!). Draping gives you
- immediate feedback about the way the cloth hangs. Many people drape with
- muslin for initial experiments and use the cloth they intend to use for a
- advanced draping to get a better feel for the drape of the final fabric.
- Many of these books discuss flat pattern methods. A few books such as {PFD:}
- and {DD:} combine draping and flat pattern design. The Hillhouse and Mansfield
- book discusses the appropriate uses for both draping and flat pattern design.
- The Armstrong book discusses both but concentrates on flat pattern design.
- Pattern drafting books are not available in most bookstores. Universities
- with large programs in fashion design will carry some of these books, possibly
- as textbooks. Many of these books are fairly expensive. It can be very
- useful to preview the books by reading through them at a good University
- library or borrowing them from an InterLibrary Loan program before you
- purchase them. Several mail order places carry a range of books on drafting;
- check Hard to Find Needlework Books for old and new books and Unicorn Books
- for new books. (See the sewing FAQ for more information on these places.)
- Now I have to insert a disclaimer. Many of the following reviews are by me
- ([alg]). I have read many books on pattern drafting and draping. However I
- have very very little practical experience with either subject. These reviews
- are based on the subjects that the books cover and the clarity of the
- illustrations and writing. In short, these reviews are from a well-read, but
- inexperienced, hobbyist in the pattern drafting field.
- PFD: Patternmaking for Fashion Design [alg]
- - Patternmaking for Fashion Design. Helen Joseph Armstrong. c. 1986. New York.
- Harper & Row. (Ref: Threads #14, pg. 67) (Ref: Threads #11, pg. 37 gives c. as
- 1987.) (has been highly recommended in Threads several times) (has been
- highly recommended as a single all-in-one book for flat pattern + draping in
- Jan/Feb 1991 Threads). I agree that this is probably the best all-in-one book
- that I have seen that is currently in print. It's somewhat expensive ($45+),
- but it is about 700 pages and covers a very wide range of subjects and
- alterations. If you want one book, I think this is the book to get.
- EK: Ernestine Kopp's series of books [alg]
- - How to Draft Basic Patterns, 3rd edition. Ernestine Kopp et.al. c. 1984. New
- York. Fairchild. (Ref: Threads #11, pg. 37) Describes making the basic slopers
- needed for _DAttFP_ and _NFAfDAttFP_ from either standard measurements
- (provided thru size 18) or from individual measurements. Basic slopers for
- sleeve (fitted and straight), skirt, pants, bodice, maybe more.
- - Designing Apparel through the Flat Pattern, 5th edition. Ernestine Kopp. c.
- 1981. New York. Fairchild. (Ref: Threads #14, pg. 67) Uses the basic slopers
- and flat pattern methods to create a wide range of patterns.
- - New Fashion Areas for Designing Apparel through the Flat Pattern. Kopp,
- Ernestine, et al. Sequel to _Designing thru the Flat Pattern_. Interesting,
- but fairly old (1972). Includes some interesting sections, incl a chapters on
- capes, hoods, and cowls.
- The three books by Kopp are a good, and fairly complete, intro to all aspects
- of flat pattern design. Of course, purchasing three books represents a
- considerable investment. The _Designing Apparel through the Flat Pattern_
- book can pretty well stand alone, but you may need the _Basic Patterns_ book
- to get some of the slopers if you are hard to fit, etc.
- PPfD: Professional Patternmaking for Designers [alg]
- - Professional Patternmaking for Designers. Jack Handford. This is a pretty
- good book that is probably still in print. It is a one book intro to drafting
- slopers and flat pattern design. It's spiral bound and about $25. You'll
- probably have to special order it. I can look up the publisher if you can't
- find it in Books In Print.
- DD: Dress Design: Draping and Flat Pattern Making [alg]
- [HIST-COST] 1930's & 1940's
- - Dress Design: Draping and Flat Pattern Making. Marion Hillhouse and Evelyn
- Mansfield. c. 1948. Boston. Houghton-Miffin. (Ref: Threads #14, pg. 67) Clear
- instructions on draping, with excellent drawings of bodice, skirt, sleeve, and
- neckline styles. Perfect for reproducing styles of the 1940's. (Threads #30).
- This is a GREAT book! Lots of draping examples. Also lots of exercise for
- flat pattern drafting.
- _Dress Design_ is one of the most comprehensive all-in-one books. There is a
- large chapter at the front that discusses fitting and making a master shell.
- The rest of the book discusses both draping and flat pattern making
- techniques. Alot of information on making a good dress dummy, drafting and
- fitting basic slopers, using slopers for more complex design. It emphasizes
- designs popular in the 1940's.
- MPD: Modern Pattern Design [alg]
- [HIST-COST] 1930's & 1940's
- - Modern Pattern Design. Harriet Pepin. c. 1942. Drafting slopers and slash
- and spread modifications. Has many neat ideas for 1940 style clothing. Many
- unique cuts, etc. I found this in a used book store and really like it. It's
- not quite as good as the Hillhouse and Mansfield book, but it's still a pretty
- good all-in-one reference.
- AFD: Art of Fashion Draping [alg]
- This book is a good general introduction to draping. The book contains many
- clear illustrations and takes you through draping many different styles step
- by step. Of the draping books that I have read this book appears to be the
- most thorough introduction as well as the book that would be most useful for
- someone trying to learn draping from scratch. The illustrations show you
- exactly how to place the muslin material and the hand motions to use while
- smoothing it and controlling darts.
- The Art of Fasion Draping. Connie Amaden-Crawford. Fairchild Publications.
- copyright 1989. 307 pages. (available from Unicorn as of 4/92; see sewing FAQ)
- DfFD: Draping for Fashion Design [alg]
- This book has good directions for draping many styles of bodices, necklines,
- princess seam variations, bodices with unique yokes, skirts and cowls at the
- neckline, armhole and waist. The book illustrates a wide variety of styles.
- The book uses only draping methods, it does not include flat pattern
- alterations. Many other books use flat pattern methods for some of the yokes
- and cowls that are draped in this book.
- The illustrations and descriptions in this book are adequate. The
- illustrations and text often do not include details about how you should
- smooth the fabric over the dress form. For example, the illustrations in
- {AFD:} and {PD:} typically contain arrows showing the position and direction
- appropriate for using your hand to smooth the fabric in each step. {DfFD:}
- seldom includes this level of detail.
- Draping for Fashion Design. Hilde Jaffe and Nurie Relis. c. 1973. Reston
- Publishing Co (a Prentice-Hall Company). (Ref: Threads #11, pg. 37) ($27,
- 9/89)
- PD: Precision Draping [alg] [HIST-COST] 1940's
- This book provides well illustrated instructions for draping many of the
- styles that were popular in the 1940's. The illustrations show how to lay the
- cloth and how to smooth it on the dress form. This is a good general
- introduction to draping and particularly useful for anyone that wants to
- recreate the styles of the 1940's. The book uses some flat pattern methods to
- show alterations for sleeves, yokes and skirts. The book covers only women's
- clothing and does not include pants.
- Precision Draping. Nelle Weymouth Link. Funk and Wagnalls, copyright 1948.
- Check for this book through Interlibrary Loan.
- PoFPD: Principles of Flat Pattern Design
- - Principles of Flat Pattern Design by Nora M. MacDonald and Ann Weibel. For
- a Textile Arts class. Spring 1991. Spiral, $30. I've looked through this and
- it seems like a good book on flat pattern methods. Starts with a few chapters
- on pivoting.
- HtMSP: How to Make Sewing Patterns
- - How to Make Sewing Patterns, rev. ed. Donald. H. McCunn. c1977. Drafting
- patterns from measurements. Some notes on flat pattern methods. Has both
- women's and men's basic patterns. Long out of print, but available through
- inter-library loan. I think this book may have been re-released in the early
- 1990's; available from Unicorn books as of Feb 1992.
- FoMFD: Fundamentals of Men's Fashion Design [alg]
- This is a book about drafting suits from individual measurements. A wide
- variety of men's suits are illustrated. Of course, many of the illustrations
- show styles that were popular in the late 1960's and early 1970's. However
- many of the patterns for formal attire are relatively timeless. I know of no
- other book that contains such a variety of men's patterns drafted from
- measurements.
- Fundamentals of Men's Fashion Design: A Guide to Tailored Clothes. Masaaki
- Kawashima. Fairchild Publications. copyright 1974. ISBN 87005-105-9.
- Available from Unicorn as of 4/92.
- TS: Tailoring Suits: The Professional Way [alg]
- - Tailoring Suits: The Professional Way. Clarence Paulin. I found this book in
- a used book store. It's a bit old (60's?), but seems to be reasonably
- complete. It's mostly for drafting and making men's suits; women's suits are
- a chapter tacked on to the end. Paulin shows how to draft the pattern based on
- measurements and then adjust as needed during the first fit.
- S: Sleeves [alg]
- [HIST-COST] drafting sleeves
- This is a collections of unusual sleeve designs that may be useful for anyone
- doing costuming or historical costuming. Many of the designs are too unusual
- for daily clothing. However if you need to design fancy or unusual sleeves
- for clothing from the 1500 - 1900 era you may find this book very useful. You
- may have to search a bit to find this book; check Interlibrary Loan Programs
- and Unicorn books.
- Sleeves: A Treasury of Ideas, Techniques and Patterns. Louise Todd Cape.
- Copyright 1988. Coat of Arms Press, Box 1, Penland, North Carolina 28765.
- FDPS: Fashion Design for the Plus Size [alg]
- This book is written for a student designer. It discusses some of the common
- figure types for larger women, some standard design tricks that can be
- flattering. The largest section discusses introductory drafting and draping
- techniques for making slopers and altering the slopers to make some
- complementary designs. The last section discusses grading for sizes 14-24.
- This book may be useful if you are doing alot of designing for larger women.
- Most of the topics and techniques are covered more thoroughly in other books,
- however this book concentrates on the problems most common in larger women.
- If you're not sure how useful it will be, check for it in a library before you
- buy it.
- Fashion Design for the Plus Size. Frances Leto Zangrillo. copyright 1990.
- Fairchild Publications. ISBN 87005-677-8. Available from Unicorn 4/92.
- GTfMD: Grading Techniques for Modern Design [alg]
- _Grading Techniques for Modern Design_ shows pictures of standard pattern
- pieces and shows how they should be slashed and expanded in order to regrade
- them. I believe they start with the industry standard size 12 (?) and show
- regradings up and down for most women's sizes. I once used the techniques in
- this book combined with the pictures in the _Reader's Digest_ book to alter a
- dress pattern from size 12 to about size 18. I slashed the pattern in the
- places indicated by the book and used their charts as a guideline for
- spreading the pattern.
- Price, Jeanne. Grading techniques for modern design / by Jeanne Price and
- Bernard Zamkoff. New York : Fairchild Publications, c1974. ix, 132 p. : ill.
- See Also: article on pattern grading in Threads, issue #29, June/July 1990.
- Good intro.
- See Also: _Grading for the Fashion Industry, the Theory and Practice_ by
- Patrick Taylor and Martin Shoben. London: Hutchinson and Co, LTD. 1984. (from
- a reference in Threads issue #29). A complex and comprehensive text, from an
- apparel manufacturers viewpoint. Includes a survey of 34 body measurements
- (in metric) as well as two and three dimentional grading for missy bodices,
- skirts, sleeves and pants.
- MNPD: Miscellaneous notes on Pattern Drafting [alg]
- I have seen recommendations for the following books, but have never read them.
- The recommendations came from a "Best of Out of Print Dressmaking Books"
- article in Threads and references from other articles.
- Flat Pattern Design. Allyn Bane. c. 1972. (out of print). New York.
- McGraw-Hill. (Ref: Threads #14, pg. 67)
- Dress Pattern Designing: The Basic Principles of Cut and Fit, 5th edition. c.
- 1986. Natalie Bray. London. Collins. (Ref: Threads #11, pg. 37)
- More Dress Pattern Designing, 4th edition. Natalie Bray. c. 1986. London.
- Collins. (Ref: Threads #11, pg. 37)
- Pattern Making by the Flat-Pattern Method, 5th edition. Norma R. Hollen. c.
- 1981. New York. Fairchild. (Ref: Threads #14, pg. 67). (Note: Threads #11, pg
- 37 gives c. as 1972 (?).)
- Clear-Cut Pattern Making by the Flat Pattern Method. Mary Gorgen Wolfe. c.
- 1982. New York. MacMillan. (Ref: Threads #14, pg. 67)
- - In Threads #21 (spring 1989) there is an article about Madeleine Vionnet by
- Betty Kirke. Vionnet designed clothes in the 20's and used bias cuts
- extensively. The article states that Betty Kirke is working on a book about
- Madeleine Vionnet. It should be interesting! I keep checking for this book
- in Books In Print and looking for articles about it. I have not seen any
- evidence of the book yet, guess it's time to write to Threads and ask them
- what's up.
- - Patternmaking and Design. Antionette Colicchio & Burr D. Coe. c. 1967.
- This book uses flat pattern methods. It emphasizes designs popular in the
- 60's. This book might be hard to find as it appears to be from a small
- publisher or possibly even self published.
- Miscellaneous Books:
- DD: Decorative Dressmaking [alg] [HIST-COST]
- Dressmaking details and techniques common in the first half of the 20th
- century (1900 - 1940 or so). Each chapter describes the sewing techniques,
- shows pictures and illustrations of a number of garments and includes a
- project, generally with a scaled pattern (in sizes small, medium and large).
- Suggests and techniques can easily be applied to commercial patterns also; the
- charted patterns in the book have minimal sizing. The pictures and drawings
- of techniques and variations are very inspirational. Chapters include:
- 1) Flounces: Using flounces and ruffles on skirts and collars. Circular,
- spiral and shaped flounces. Appropriate materials, finishing edges,
- variations. Pattern for simple dress with flounced collar at neckline.
- 2) Stripes: Creating interesting designs with stripes. Skirts, shirts hand
- dresses. Chevron patterns, gored skirts, pleated stripes. Pattern for a dress
- with a pleated skirt and striped accents at neckline and hipline.
- 3) Piping: Types of piping, making piping, cording. Piping to accent seams or
- edges in jackets, shirts and dresses. Pattern for simple linen jacket and
- pants with cording highlights in seams.
- 4) Topstitching: Topstitching or quilting accents on collars, cuffs, yokes and
- hats. Pattern for a boiler suit (simple pants-suit) with topstitching on wide
- collar.
- 5) Pintucks: Using pintucks to add design and accents to skirts, jackets.
- Using pintucks to control fullness in blouses, skirts. Pattern for pintucked
- jacket and skirt with pintucks on collar, waist, pockets, yoke and front of
- skirt.
- 6) Applique: Appliqued desings on clothing. Somewhat "60's-ish". Pattern for
- caftan with a white on white appliqued pattern.
- 7) Bands and Bindings: Making and using bindings. Classic 1940's suits with
- bound edges as an accent. Binding garment edges. Using binding on garment
- seams (bind one edge and sew seam together with an overlap seam).
- Incorporating bands into a pattern for accents, either inset bands or bands
- sewn over seam allowances. Pattern for a full (oversized?) winter coat with
- banded seams and edges.
- 8) Pleats and Tucks: Making pleats, marking pleats, pressed pleats, inverted
- pleats, partly stitched pleats, horizontal pleats, pleats in jackets,
- combining pleats and stripes. Pattern for pleated top and skirt that uses
- striped material for added interest.
- 9) Ruching: Adding bands of ruching to dresses, jackets, blouses for
- detailing. Rouching in garments, for example as gathering to form shaping for
- the bust of a dress. Altering a pattern to add strips of rouching. Altering
- a pattern to incorporate ruching (e.g. all-over gathering) in the garment
- seamlines. Pattern for an evening dress adapted for ruching.
- 10) Faggoting: Making faggoting strips and sewing them together. Different
- embroidery stitches to use. Faggoting in garment seams, collars, yokes, hems.
- Patterns for an oversized thick mohair jacket made of strips joined by
- faggoting.
- Decorative Dressmaking. Sue Thompson. Rodale Press. 1985. ISBN 0-87857-579-0.
- Has been available from Hard to Find Needlework Books (see sewing FAQ).
- MYOJC: Make Your Own Japanese Clothes. [alg] [HIST-COST]
- Detailed directions for making a traditional kimono, outer robe, haori jacket,
- hanten jacket, wraparound top, vest, slacks, obi sashes and tabi socks.
- Includes comments about using traditional (14" wide) materials and modern
- materials. Includes notes for fitting Westerners who are often larger than
- traditional Asian people. Meticulous details!
- Make Your Own Japanese Clothes: Patterns and Ideas for Modern Wear. John
- Marshall. ISBN 0-87011-865-x. $16.95 (paper). 1988. Kodansha International
- Ltd.
- FYF: Flatter Your Figure. [alg]
- Includes tests (using a mirror, stick, string and helpers) for about 20 figure
- features such as short legs, short or long waisted, swayback, shape of
- shoulders, bust, waist, hips, and arms. Also analyzes shape of face and
- haircut. Advise for deciding which figure features are advantages, which are
- minor disadvantages and which are major disadvantages. A section showing many
- basic garment shapes explains which are favorable or unfavorable for various
- figures. Discusses camaflaging common problems, accenting your best features,
- and using garment lines to create illusions. Emphasizes a positive attitude;
- accent positive features and don't draw attention to less desireable features.
- Advise for balancing conflicting advise (e.g. styles that are good for some of
- your features but bad for other features).
- This subject is usually covered in general sewing references, but FYF is a
- much more comprehensive guide. Recommended for people who sew their own
- clothing or buy ready made. Illustrates and discusses women's clothing only.
- Flatter Your Figure. Jan Larkey. $9.95 ISBN 0-13-321795-7. 1991. Prentice
- Hall / Simon Schuster. Larkey had an article in Threads in ?early 1991? that
- contained a number of the ideas in FYF.
- FAQ: Where can I get an up to date copy of this FAQ?
- When looking for an FAQ list, first do the obvious and check the relevant
- newsgroup for articles with "FAQ" in the subject line. If you don't know how
- to check articles marked as read, your sysadmin can tell you. Next, try the
- group news.answers since this FAQ is crossposted there. Again, your sysadmin
- can tell you the commands to use in searching.
- If you cannot find the FAQ on your system, you can retrieve a copy from
- Jonathan Kamen's archive of periodic postings. For general instructions on
- the server, send email containing the commands "help" and "send index" (no
- quotes, separate lines) to
- mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu
- For a list of all periodic postings that are archives in news.answers, email
- the command "send usenet/news.answers/index" to the server.
- via anonymous FTP:
- Periodic postings including FAQs are archived at "pit-manager.mit.edu"
- (, in the directory "/pub/usenet". The textile FAQs are:
- /pub/usenet/news.answers/crafts-textiles
- /pub/usenet/news.answers/crafts-historical-costuming
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- via email server:
- The address of the server is mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu. To retrieve
- files, send email to the server with a blank subject and one or more of these
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- send usenet/news.answers/crafts-textiles-books/part1
- send usenet/news.answers/crafts-textiles-books/part2
- =================================
- ToDO (maybe):
- Is this too big? (books: 1012 lines; h.c 500 lines; sewing 600 lines) should I
- remove references? say less about books? oh, I hate editing!
- Add home decorating notes
- Fix up bibliographic references in Fitting and Pattern Drafting sections
- Clean up fitting and pattern drafting sections: re-check some comments, e.g
- on Armstrong and other books
- Add fitting section Tbl of Contents
- Add sergers to specialty
- Add topics from Betzina books
- Info on ethnic books (Erikson's Ethnic Costume, etc) for this or hist-cost FAQ
- specialty books such as Erikson's fabric manipulations, books on quilted
- clothing? embellishments and special techniques?
- Add RLShep's books to hist-cost FAQ for drafting 1800's patterns
- Specialty: Maternity (Great Expectations and that other one that's in print
- now. name?). Babies; that Fashion Accessories book;
- someone had additional comments on Nancy Zieman; add them in
- Martensson, Kerstin: Sewing For Baby, Sewing for Toddlers, incls master
- patterns, publ: Kwik-Sew. softcover, $10? each. Marina recommends;
- where are these available? (stores that carry Kwik Sew)
- Innovative Serging (has chapt on which machines are good) author?
- Happy Endings has TONS of bindings for household sewing!
- update notes on Holleran and Wolfe books
- special: bags ?
- _Lucy's Bag Book_ by Lucy MacKall ISBN 0-395-26473-1.
- Houghton Mifflin Company. 1978.
- _The Total Tote Bag Book: Designer Totes to Craft and Carry_ by
- Joyce Aiken and Jean Ray Laury ISBN 0-8008-7793-4 Taplinger
- Publisheing Co, 1977. (rather 60's or 70's-ish).
- specialty: Make Your Own Japanese Clothes by John Marshall
- The Sew/Fit Manual (see ad in Sew News Apr '92); can anyone comment on this
- method for fitting?
- Miscellaneous: (todo)
- FYF: Flatter Your Figure
- GE: Great Expectations (maternity)
- ARtW: Altering Women's/Men's Ready to Wear
- see also FDPS: Fashion Design for the Plus Size [alg]
- copying ready made, how-to: Rusty Benussen's book, Kari Newell Copy Creations,
- SRL,101, ????
- Pointer to Threads articles on sleeves and armholes
- Pointer to Threads article on using plaids in jackets and lapels
- the book by ?Hazen? on sewing machine repair
- Owner's Guide to Sewing Machines, Sergers and Knitting Machines by
- Gale Grigg-Hazen. Available for $10.40 from Clotilde, 1909 S. W.
- First Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315-2100 (+s/h) 1-800-772-2891
- double check the [HIST-COST] labels
- =======================================
- -Anne Louise Gockel
- Cornell Computer Science
- Internet: alg@cs.cornell.edu UUCP: cornell!alg